What You Should Know When Buying a Used CX-5

The Mazda CX-5 is one of the sleekest and most stylish compact crossovers you can get. It has a reputation for providing a comfortable ride, having an upscale cabin, and offering advanced safety features, but don’t let its refinement distract you from the fact that it’s still an SUV. It also benefits from low maintenance …

America’s First Ever Electric Pickup Truck for Police: The 2023 Ford F-150 Lightning Pro SSV

Ford is a leading force in the electrification of vehicles in our society, and this new addition is something to marvel at. The 2023 Ford F-150® Lightning™ Pro Special Service Vehicle is the fresh, innovative release of special service vehicles, and for a company as innovative as Ford, they have really outdone themselves this time. …

This New Ford F-150 Will Be Made for Police

Electric vehicles are not just for the average driver anymore. Enter the upcoming Ford F-150 Lightning Pro SSV. This new electric pickup truck is designed with features for law enforcement. Pickup trucks are not your average police cruiser, but they are useful when it comes to hauling trailers, setting up roadblocks, and getting over rough …

How Honda Plans to Dominate the EV Market in the US

Based on an online presentation from Honda in April of this year, we’ve been given a pretty good idea of how Honda plans to get into and dominate the US electric vehicle market. The plan stretches to 2040 and shows an optimistic future for Honda-made hybrid and electric vehicle creation and sales.