Elon Musk is Highly Rated by Employees

the true measure of any leader is determined by their team members and how they would rate them as a boss and manager. A CEO has the influence in any business to not only help propel a company forward and create an impressive amount of positive influence, but to also tear down and disband a …

Genesis Shows Admiration for Tesla

What would a company that has been borne out of the success and the quality that Hyundai has brought to the market have to say that would be positive about a company that feels more like an upstart? There was one word used by the head of Genesis and that word was disruptive. This word …

A Reasonably Priced Star of a Car

When you’re looking for a great car to drive the qualities you typically look for are what fits your lifestyle.  You need a vehicle that will allow you to have the reliability you’re looking for, the mileage you need, the features that make a difference for you on the road and the space to allow …

There’s More Tech in Amish Country Than You Think

As you ride around the upper Midwest and see the simple folk who ride around in horse-drawn carriages with their simple dress and lifestyle you might think the Amish are completely against technology. The reality is the communities of Amish in the country have added some technology to their lives with work use cell phones …