What offers you 640 horsepower and can reach a top speed of 200 mph? The list that fills that particular question with an answer can be quite extensive and while you try and figure out what car of the many that can achieve that particular feat let’s add a bit more to the question and …
When Money Doesn’t Matter
When the price doesn’t matter, but overall quality and features do there are a select number of vehicles you may desire to turn to. Of course the first choice, especially for someone who does not have a family will be a supercar full of speed and luxury, but just behind that, and an option that …
Low Sales Figures Might Be The Goal
What may seem odd to you is some car companies aren’t pushing massive production of their cars in order to have high sales, instead they are looking to offer some of the best quality automobiles found anywhere in the world. When you head about a car being one of the worst-selling for a year, its …