Why Classic Cars Outshine Modern Cars In Every Way

Modern cars have all the safety features and technology we could desire; why, then, do we admire classic cars so much? Here are a few reasons.

When it comes to old versus new in the automotive world, the older cars win, hands-down, every single time. Maybe it’s nostalgia, maybe it’s design, maybe it’s a desire for something simpler. Regardless of why we love older vehicles, it’s easy to see that we do. Car shows don’t often feature late-model popular cars like a Honda CR-V or Toyota RAV4.

Instead, they feature classic models with the natural grunt and power that we love.

Classic Cars vs. Modern Cars: Reasons We Love the Classics

Older vehicles were easier to understand

It’s almost impossible for the average driver to change the oil in modern cars. The latest vehicles have modern technology and computerization, but that doesn’t translate into something we can get our hands on and get dirty with. Classic machines simplify the process with mechanical workings that leave the computers behind. This means you can get under the hood and understand the inner workings of an older car and make it the project car that you’ll love to drive around with your kids or grandkids.

Style: where did it go?

Why does it seem like every new car you see looks the same? The only modern cars with style are those that come with six-figure price tags, making them nearly unattainable for most drivers. Older cars brought style and design to the market. When you’re looking at one of the key benefits between modern cars and classic cars, the older models have the styling you’ll love and admire. There’s no mistaking each car when you see the classic models; the same can’t be said for new vehicles.

Get more engaged with your car

Modern vehicles remove the fully engaged feeling of driving a car. From the time power steering was added, the driving feeling began to disappear. Today’s cars can almost drive themselves, and some do on mapped-out highways, but that doesn’t make for a better driving experience. When you look at older cars, you realize that drivers used to be really good at driving. Things like traction control, stability control, and anti-lock brakes just get in the way.

Older cars make you a better driver

Put the phone away and pay attention to the car and the road. You never heard that with drivers of older cars because there weren’t any cell phones, and the lack of driver aids forced drivers to be good at driving. If you want to actually engage with the vehicle and the road, you’ve got to choose classic cars over modern cars every time. With older models, it’s just you and the car, and there are no aids to help you avoid trouble when it appears.

Which cars can you service?

Even if you don’t build an older car from the ground up as a project, you can handle most of the maintenance and service required with an older model vehicle. These vintage cars make it easy for owners to change the oil, air filter, transmission fluid, and brakes. You can turn a wrench and quickly handle the maintenance items your older car requires. New cars don’t make things as simple and have more moving parts that require maintenance than older models.

Forget the financing

The average new car price has skyrocketed to the point that dealerships are ready to ask for your first-born child as part of the security required for a car loan. While that’s not literally the case, it can certainly feel that way. Most classic cars can be had for a low price if you’re not buying a fully-restored model. Classic cars appreciate while modern cars depreciate, making this choice pretty easy for most people. Also, if you only pay a small amount for an older car, you won’t mind beating it up a bit.

Older cars are smaller and lighter

Unless you’re looking for an older station wagon or land yacht, you’ll quickly realize that older cars are much smaller and lighter than modern vehicles. The extra weight of EVs aside, today’s cars have grown in size and weight compared to older models. Lighter sports cars tend to perform better, which means you might want an older car that you can beef up with some extra power under the hood. The size factor isn’t only the case in sports cars but in the truck and SUV markets as well.

It’s easy to see why we want to drive and admire classic cars more than modern cars. Modern vehicles might have the safety and technology advantage, but older models have personality and desirability that can’t be beaten.

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